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The Black Nonprofits and Business Podcast

Apr 15, 2021

Ep. #43 - After experiencing the losses of both his parents, a younger brother and his son, Tony Lynch found himself in a place of pain and conflict. After realizing he was struggling, he sought out help in different organizations and in different areas only to find there were more resources for women and children, and not enough for men.  Some were for women only or they were family based but nothing specifically for men.

"Memories of Us" provides support for grieving men.  They offer a supportive environment and information for every man and anyone who needs it.

Since 2019, their one-of-a-kind support group is composed of a welcoming and experienced community with individuals who are ready to listen, share advice, and offer whatever they can to help.  They are proud to be a reliable source of comfort, compassion, and understanding. Their goal is to help one another by assisting in resolving problems, teaching important practices, and offering additional resources.




Youtube: (1) Memories Of Us podcast - YouTube

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